Invitation to Bid - I-5 Pump Station and Force Main Upgrades

City of Woodburn is requesting Sealed bids for the construction of “I-5 Pump Station and Force Main Upgrades” bids will be received by the City of Woodburn, OR at City Hall Annex, 190 Garfield St. until 2:00 PM, July 29, 2021 and will thereafter be publicly opened and read.
Proposals shall be addressed to the Public Works Projects & Engineering Director, City of Woodburn, and 190 Garfield St., Woodburn, OR 97071. Bids shall be submitted in a plain sealed envelope bearing the Bidder's name, the name of the project and the date and time of the Bid opening, and shall be marked "Bid No. 2021-05” and bidders shall indicate on the Form of Proposal that “Bidder will comply with the provisions of Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) Chapter 279C.840”.

The City will not accept facsimile bids.  The City will not accept any bids after the stated opening date and time.  The City will return all late bids unopened to the submitting firm.

All questions should be directed to the Public Works Projects & Engineering Director Eric Liljequist at phone number 503-982-5241 or by emailing   


Bid Documents:

Invitation to Bid - I-5 Pump Station and Force Main Upgrades - Volume 1 of 3

Invitation to Bid - I-5 Pump Station and Force Main Upgrades - Volume 2 of 3

Invitation to Bid - I-5 Pump Station and Force Main Upgrades - Volume 3 of 3 (drawings)

Addendum No. 1

Addendum No. 2

Addendum No. 3


Notice of Intent to Award

Bid Rankings