
Payment Options:
Business Registration
-In-Person, Drop Box, Mail
Court (Municipal)
-By Phone, In Person, Mail, Online, Drop Box
Misc. Invoice
-In Person, Mail, Drop Box
Taxi Permits
-In Person, Mail, Drop Box
Transient Occupancy Tax
-In Person, Mail, Drop Box
Water & Sewer Utilities (Bills)
-By Phone, Auto Pay, In Person, Online, Mail, Drop Box
City Hall/City Drop Box
270 Montgomery St., Woodburn, OR 97071
Alternate Drop Box
1776 Country Club Rd, Woodburn, OR 97071
Phone Numbers
503-982-5222 Opt. 1 (Court)
1-844-798-0486 (Bill Pay)
Personal Banking
City of Woodburn
270 Montgomery St.
Woodburn, OR 97071
1) Name on account
2) Payment purpose - utility, court, permit, etc.
3) Full account number
Please call 503-982-5222, Option 1 for all sections unless otherwise listed.
To send an email, click the envelope icon ✉ next to the section name.
Taxi Complaints ✉
Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) ✉
Treasury ✉
Water & Sewer Utility Bills Online System ✉
Water Leaks