First Street Improvement Project

Woodburn: Project Introduction
The long awaited First Street Improvements Project will be underway in early 2019. The project will include streetscape improvements on First Street between Oak and Harrison Streets, pedestrian-friendly sidewalks, crosswalks, improved 2nd Street parking lot, and alleyway beautification. Project engineering and design is currently underway and is anticipated to wrap up in late 2018.
In order to engage the Woodburn community in the project, the City will host public meetings to share detailed information and receive input on the following items:
· Concrete stain color for street intersections.
· Street tree selection (6 tree types will be provided—select 3).
· Library Park trees (design changes to accommodate preserving the trees on First Street).
Project Timeline:
- May-November 2018: Engineering and design
- July-August 2018: Public outreach
- December 2018-January 2019: Construction documents completed and published
- February 2019: Contractor selected
- February 2019: Pre-construction and coordination
- Spring 2019: Construction underway
- April 2020: Project complete
2nd Street Parking lot improvements
- Provides 45 Parking Spaces
- Permanent Striping
- Re-asphalt surface
- Upgrade Approaches
- Upgrade Storm Sewer
- Upgrade Lighting
- Added Security Camera
- Alley Improvements
Design Provides
- Improved Lighting
- Concrete Pad for Dumpsters
- Asphalt Travel Lane
Preferred street trees (will provide 2-3 compatible trees from which to select).
Design ideas for Garfield and Hayes Street intersections.
Public meeting to discuss the First Street Improvement Project set for August 28
Join us as we discuss the plans for the first street improvements project. Hear more details about the proposed street improvements, design, tree selections, color options, and more. This will also provide an opportunity for the public to ask questions and share feedback on the project.
The meeting will take place from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 28, in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 270 Montgomery Street.
If you are unable to attend the public meeting and would like to share your feedback on the first street improvements project, take our survey at:
Should you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact city staff:
* Jamie Johnk: Phone: 503-980-6319 E-Mail:
* Dago Garcia: Phone: 503-982-5248 E-Mail:
The Downtown Revitalization Plan is being shaped by public input in several ways. Please consider getting involved and sharing your perspective on downtown Woodburn!
Submit your response by clicking below or visiting us at one of the following locations:
- Woodburn City Hall
- Woodburn Public Library