Drinking Water

The Public Works Department's main goal is to provide efficient specialized services to enhance the health, safety, and quality of life for residents and visitors of Woodburn. The Public Works administers and manages the daily operations of the Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution System, Wastewater Treatment and Collection System, the Storm Water Collection and Conveyance System, Maintenance of Fleet, Equipment and Machinery and Street Signage and Maintenance.
City Council Approves Water Rate Increase
At their June 11 meeting, the Woodburn City Council approved a plan to increase water rates annually over the next 10 years. The plan calls for 10% increases in years 1 and 2, followed by annual increases of 4% in years 3-10. The increases will be effective on July 1 of each year and are necessary to ensure that the water system has adequate resources to fund ongoing operational & maintenance activities and important system improvement projects.
Estimate Your Increased Water Bill
City of Woodburn 90 Day Public Hearing Notice:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Woodburn City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, July 9, 2018, 7:00 p.m., in the City Hall Council Chambers, 270 Montgomery St., Woodburn, OR, regarding the proposed adoption of a water system development charges (SDC) methodology by the City of Woodburn. If adopted, the proposed local water SDC methodology will go into effect for all applicable permits applied for on or after August 9, 2018.
The proposed water SDC methodology will be available for public review on May 9, 2018 on the City’s website above or at the Engineering Division office located at 190 Garfield St, Woodburn, OR 97071. Engineering Division office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
If you have any questions please contact Curtis Stultz, Public Works Operations Director at curtis.stultz@ci.woodburn.or.us or (503) 982-5241.
Any person wishing to give testimony may do so in person or by a representative at the hearing. Written testimony can be submitted to the City Recorder on or before the hearing date at 270 Montgomery St., Woodburn (503)980-6318.
Heather Pierson, City Recorder
Drinking Water
The Drinking Water Section is comprised of Water Treatment Operators, Water Technicians, Utility Workers and Meter readers. Each personnel performs duties applicable to the treatment of potable water. With the enhancement and expansion of our system, top quality water is provided to our community today and in the future. Water Treatment Improvements have been made so that the water tastes better and is odor-free, avoids stains on elements, is plentiful for current and expected growth of the City, and maintained by experts.
LEAKS: In case of a leak in a customer's service line, please contact the Finance Department at (503) 982-5222 - Option 1, and staff will notify the Water Maintenance personnel after the leak is repaired. The billing representative will send the leak adjustment information to the Water Section for an analysis and adjustment. If a customer observes a leak in the City’s main line , please contact the City as soon as possible or contact the Police Department at (503) 982-2340, during non-work hours. (Unless the leak is a major one, please do not call 911). EMERGENCY SHUT OFF: Residents should know where their water shut-off valve is located within their home. If needed, the Water Section can turn off the water at the meter.
Sign up for Online Bill Pay by clicking on the link above. Follow the instructions available in English and Spanish (Español).
If you have any questions or comments or would like to schedule a plant tour, please call 503-982-5380, e-mail Hillary Bisbee at hillary.bisbee@ci.woodburn.or.us or Byron Brooks at byron.brooks@ci.woodburn.or.us or visit us in person at 202 Young St., Woodburn, OR 97071.
Wastewater Treatment
The Wastewater Treatment Section is coordinated by personnel who provide expert knowledge in the process and maintenance of wastewater, equipment and environmental regulations. The Industrial Waste Inspector assures compliance with the mandated pre-treatment program, which is managed by State of Oregon and regulated by the Federal agency. Daily, weekly and monthly testing is performed by the Lab Technicians. The sample testing is required to assure the city is in compliance with the NPDES discharge permit issued by DEQ and to determine that adequate treatment is provided prior to discharge into the Pudding River. The facility technicians and utility operators maintain the operations of the facility; assuring safe use of equipment, regular inspections in operations and providing data to the Section Supervisor.
If you have any questions or comments or to schedule a plant tour, please call 503-982-5284 .
Sanitary, Storm & Surface Water Collection
The Sanitary, Storm & Surface Water Collection Section is an intricate part of the division and organized to provide both operations and maintenance with clerical administrative support. The department currently has 5 full-time employees. Trained staff is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the City’s Sanitary Sewer Collection, Storm Sewer Collection System, including stormwater catch basins, and manholes. Enclosed pipe sections and catch basins are routinely cleaned and inspected. Street Sweeping is coordinated with the Street Maintenance Section, through the bidding process and contract award, which reduces the amount of debris entering the catch basins. During periods of the year, routine cleaning is performed more frequently, affording staff the opportunity to concentrate in areas that are in dire need of repair, re-installment and/or new sewer lines. This section provides administrations, operations and maintenance of the Sanitary, Storm & Surface Water Collection Section. The section is responsible for sanitary sewer main collection activities, infiltration/inflow practices as required by Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The section is responsible for maintenance of approximately 90 miles of various size sanitary sewer mains, nine remote pump stations; for storm water activities, best management practices as required by Total Maximum Daily Load Implementation Plan, Storm and Surface Water Management Plan; three regional detention facilities and the surface conveyance system of Mill Creek and Senecal and there numerous tributaries. The accomplishments include: Collection System piping; High Pressure cleaned 18 miles of Collection System piping; Completed annual I/I report to DEQ; Completed Annual Storm Water Management, TMDL annual report to DEQ; Clean 15% of the Storm Water System, piping, conveyance and inlets; Conducted internal training on BMP to reduce pollutants in maintenance activities; Prepared and provided to customers the second Woodburn Water Works newsletter; Participated in numerous Public Outreach Events, Oregon Earth Day, Public Works Week, Plant Tours.
Storm Water: There are many reasons for us to care about storm water. Storm water is more than just rain. As storm events come through the area, rain falls in an urban setting mainly on impervious surfaces such as an asphalt street, driveways or parking lots. The runoff can pick up grease, antifreeze and oils that have been deposited by vehicles. Rain that does not fall on impervious areas falls on yards and landscaped areas, then flows into the street and can contain fertilizers, pesticides, pet waste and soil as it enters the storm water collection system. The Total Maximum Daily Load Implementation Plan, Storm and Surface Water Management Plan identifies Best Management Practices the City uses to reduce heat, bacteria, mercury, pesticides and iron contributions entering the surface water/storm sewers within the jurisdiction of the City of Woodburn.
If you see anyone dumping anything in our storm sewers, inlets or drainage ways, please call 503-982-5284.
2020 TMDL Annual Progress Report
2015-2020 TMDL Implementation Plan Updated Matrix
If you have any questions or comments or to schedule a tour, please call 503-980-2423 or email