Urban Renewal Program

Woodburn’s Urban Renewal Plan
The City of Woodburn established the Woodburn Urban Renewal District pursuant to ORS Chapter 457, the Oregon Constitution, and all applicable laws and ordinances on March 13, 2001, upon adoption of Ordinance 2283. On August 13, 2001, the City adopted Ordinance 2298 establishing the maximum indebtedness of the Plan of $29.3 million. The Woodburn’s urban renewal is governed by the Urban Renewal Agency, which consists of the City’s Mayor and City Council members.
The City’s urban renewal redevelopment area consists of approximately 260 acres, all within the Woodburn city limits. In general, the area includes the historic downtown, Front Street to Highway 214 and Highway 214 to redevelopment sites on Stacy Allison, Young Street to Highway 99 and Highway 99 to Highway 211.
The Urban Renewal Plan states the following overall renewal goals:
- Public improvements
- Redevelopment through new construction
- Preservation, rehabilitation, development and redevelopment
- Property acquisition and disposition
- Plan administration
The Core Values created by the Urban Renewal Agency are as follows:
- Ensure positive return on investment
- Cultivate resources and investment in underutilized or blighted areas
- Job creation
- Economic vitality
- Establish downtown as a destination
- Historic preservation and cultural interpretation
Urban Renewal Resources: