Programs & Services

Computers, Wireless Internet, and Printing
We offer six computers for public use, free wi-fi, and printing services. Patrons receive 60 minutes of computer time per day. Black and white copies are 10 cents per page and color copies are $1 per page.
Meeting Rooms
The library offers three meeting rooms for public use. Additionally, small Study Rooms for 1-3 people are available to check out for two-hour periods on a first-served basis.
Interlibrary Loan
If you would like to borrow a book that is not available through our library or CCRLS, we may be able to borrow it from a library elsewhere. A fee may apply. To learn more or to make a request, please use our ILL Form.
Suggest a Purchase
Is there a book or another material you think we should purchase for our collection? Let us know by filling out the Suggest a Purchase form.