Planning Commission

The Planning Commission is an advisory body to the City Council regarding Type IV and V land use / planning / zoning applications, and the Community Development Director is the staff liaison to the Commission.
The Commission per Woodburn Development Ordinance (WDO) 1.05 & 5.03 is also the decision-making body for Type III land use / planning / zoning applications such as:
- Conditional Use
- Design Review
- Planned Unit Development (PUD)
- Street Exceptions that are Type III (instead of Type II)
- Subdivision, Preliminary
- Variance
The Mayor appoints the seven planning commissioners. The Commission reviews certain applications during public hearings for compliance with standards and guidelines as part of making land use decisions. The Planning Commission also provides the Council with recommendations regarding planning-related issues, including map and text amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and/or the WDO.
The Commission is tentatively scheduled to meet every second and fourth Thursday of the month, but does not meet every such potential date. Staff posts an agenda a week prior to a date on which the Commission will actually meet. The usual venue is the Council Chambers and the usual start time is 7:00 p.m. View the Planning Commission Calendar through either the "Web Links" section at webpage bottom or the website header item "Our Community".
The current Planning Commissioners are:
Position | Name | Term Expiration |
I |
Debra Bartel |
12/2024 |
II | Anabel Hernandez-Mejia | 12/2027 |
III | Juan Bravo | 12/2027 |
IV | Chair Lisa Ellsworth | 12/2024 |
V | Justin May | 12/2027 |
VI | Merri Berlin | 12/2026 |
VII | Chris Lassen | 12/2027 |
Regarding upcoming Commission activities, contact the Community Development Department Administrative Specialist.
If you or someone you know is interested in serving on the Planning Commission or other City board or commission, contact City Administration to obtain, complete, and submit the appropriate application paperwork. When a position opens, the Mayor will review the applications on file to select an appropriate replacement.
The Council Chambers are ADA accessible. If you need special accommodation, please contact the City Recorder at (503) 980-6318 at least 24 hours prior to this meeting.