Water and Sewer Bills
The City provides water and sewer utility service to over 7,000 accounts. The City of Woodburn uses automated water meters to measure the volume of water provided to customers. Each month we collect radio transmissions from the meters which tell us how much water was delivered. This information is then transmitted to the City’s utility billing department so that water bills can be generated for each monthly billing cycle.
Starting New Water and Sewer Utility Service (Open Account):
- To schedule the start of new service, you will need to submit a completed and signed Water & Sewer Utility Service Application form, show your rental or ownership documents (see description below), and pay the required deposit at the City's Finance Department.
- Please call 503-982-5222, opt. 0, in advance of the desired start date for property specific information and requirements to start service.
- If you are a current customer or property owner, any past due and current billings must be paid before service at a new location may begin.
- Effective August 1, 2018, new service requests for water and sewer must be submitted and approved before 3 pm for same day connection. New service requests submitted and approved after 3 pm will be connected the next business day.
- Click here for the Water & Sewer Utility Service Application form
- You may submit your application and any documents required to setup service via email at Finance@ci.woodburn.or.us.
- New customers are required to pay a refundable deposit before service can begin.
- Customers that have had service in Woodburn may be required to pay a refundable deposit before service at a new location can begin.
- Deposit amount required varies by type of service at the property and account history.
Documentation of property ownership or rental status:
- New property owners - If Marion County property records do not yet reflect the new owner name, documentation showing property ownership and the date that ownership transferred will be required before new service can begin.
- New renters - Documentation showing the name of the authorized renter and the date that rental began may be required before new service can begin. Rental information provided may be confirmed with the property owner or property management company of record before new service can begin.
- Property managers - A property owner may authorize a property manager to act on their behalf by submitting a signed Property Management Agreement form to the City.
Past due balances:
- Customers that have had service in Woodburn must pay any past due and current billings from the prior service location before service at a new location can begin.
- Liens for past due utility bills must be paid before new service can begin at a location.
Stopping Water and Sewer Utility Service (Close Account):
To schedule the close of your utility service, please contact the City's Finance Department at 503-982-5222, opt. 0, in advance of the desired close date.
A meter reading will be taken on the scheduled date and a final billing sent to the customer. Service cannot be closed as of a date in past because a meter reading must be taken to close the account.
Closing the account will cause water service to be shut off on the scheduled date. To avoid interruption of service at a location, a new account must be scheduled to start on the same day. See information above for requirements to set up a new account.
Water Leaks:
In case of a leak in a customer's service line, please make repairs and then call the Finance Department at (503) 982-5222, option 0. Finance will notify Water Maintenance that the leak is repaired. The water meter data will be used for analysis and billing adjustment calculation.
If a leak in the City’s main line is observed, please call the City to report the location as soon as possible at (503) 982-5222, option 7, during work hours. During non-work hours, please call the Police Department at (503) 982-2340. (Unless the leak is a major one, please do not call 911.)
Reading Your Water Meter:
Click here to learn How to Read Your Water Meter.