Bids and RFPs
Contract Documents and Plan Centers
Copies of Contract Documents may be obtained from the City Engineer's Office, 190 Garfield St, upon deposit of a non-refundable fee of $50.00 for each set. Additionally plan sets are available for viewing at the following Plan Centers and Exchange locations:
- DJC Plan Center - Portland, OR
- Contractor Plan Center - Clackamas, OR
- Salem Contractor’s Exchange - Salem, OR
For Information and Plan Holders List
For more information regarding Calls for Bids or to be placed on the Plan Holders List, please contact Cole Grube, Project Engineer, at
Current Bids and RFPs:
Recently Closed and/or Awarded Bids and RFPs:
- RFP: Safe Routes to Schools Project (CLOSED 10/10/24)
- Invitation to Bid: Senecal Creek Dr Bridge Handrail Repair (CLOSED 6/27/24)
- Invitation to Bid: Woodcrest Court Paving Project (CLOSED 6/25/24)