
The Engineering Division provides information, recommendations, and services to construct, preserve and improve the City's infrastructure. Staff offers technical assistance to ensure public improvements are cost-effective and consistent with City standards. Engineering Division designs, inspects and oversees the municipal infrastructure such as streets, sidewalks, street trees, water facilities, storm sewer facilities, sanitary sewer facilities, and street lighting. The Engineering Division consists of staff that specializes in civil engineering and project delivery, including project design, procurement & construction management. The Engineering Division is also responsible for reviewing and approving project plans and specifications for all work performed in city right-of-way and public easements for new subdivisions, developments, and existing infrastructure. Engineering staff inspects all projects to ensure that they are constructed in accordance with approved plans & specifications.
The City requires all Developers to obtain the services of a Professional Engineer to design right-of-way improvements and modifications that meet all applicable and pertinent City, County, State and National requirements, standards, guidelines and regulatory requirements in order to achieve safe and standardized traffic configurations for vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians within the public rights-of-way.
Did you know …The Engineering Division supports all city utilities, including streets, water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer facilities; Capital planning of City infrastructure, including streets, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water facilities; Design of City-wide capital projects; Administers street maintenance and pavement preservation/restoration programs; Management of City right-of-ways; Administers and monitors right-of-way permits; GIS and AutoCAD Mapping of City streets, storm sewer facilities, sanitary sewer facilities, water facilities and new developments; Maintains and updates records of City infrastructure; Administers Capital Improvement Program construction projects; Provides and updates Public Works standard drawings and technical specifications; Oversees City-wide street lighting systems; Provide public service to Woodburn residents, private contractors, other city departments/divisions, and other agencies; Provides plan reviews for private development and inspection of work performed in the City right-of-way and public utility easements.
Bids and Requests for Proposals (RFP's) are posted by the Engineering Division on a regular basis. Those interested in this process should check this page often.
The Engineering Division has maps of the rights-of-way showing sewer lines, water lines and storm drains; tax account maps showing property line dimensions; flood plain maps; subdivision plats; aerial photography maps with contours; and construction drawings for right-of-way improvements.
To view a map and descriptions of Woodburn Benchmark Monuments, please refer to the Benchmark Monumentspage.
Public Right-Of-Way (ROW)
The public right-of-way (ROW) is the area owned by the City where the streets, curbs and most sidewalks and most utilities lie. A new residential street in Woodburn requires 60 feet of ROW with paved widths of 34 feet. The portion between the curb and property line, generally 13 feet is used for utilities and is maintained by the adjoining property owner. See examples below:
- Example: Local Residential Street Section - With No Parking
- Example: Local Residential Street Section - With Parking
- Example: Local Residential Street Section - With Parking, No Sidewalks
- Example: Minor Arterial Street Section
No work in the City ROW shall be started without first obtaining permission from Public Works. Tree(s) and sidewalk maintenance in the ROW is the responsibility of the adjoining property owner. Trees in the ROW can be removed only with the permission of the City; this determination is made by Engineering at the request of the property owner. Property Owners shall have the responsibility, control and shall bear the cost of maintenance and care of the street tree, and shall regularly inspect and remove defective conditions as necessary (see City Ordinance No 2424).
Effective January 1, 2021, the Woodburn City Council adopted a Utility Services Ordinance and Fee Resolution. The new program requires companies providing communications, electricity, natural gas or owning facilities within the ROW that are not subject to a current franchise agreement to obtain a license in order to provision services throughout the community. For more information on the Utility Services Licensing Program, click here.
An easement is a document that grants an individual or corporation the right to install and maintain utilities and other services across private property. Record keeping of city ROW and city easements are the responsibility of the Engineering Department.