When a Permit is Required
Generally, a permit is required to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, convert, or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical, or plumbing system.
Examples of work needing a building permit include:
- Adding a bedroom
- Finishing an attic, garage, or basement to make additional living space
- Cutting a new window or door opening, or widening existing openings
- Adding or moving walls
- Applying roofing when old roofing is removed, and new sheathing is installed
- Building a stairway
- Constructing a carport, garage or shed that is more than 200 square feet and/or more than 15 feet in height
- Moving an existing carport, garage or shed that is more than 200 square feet and/or more than 15 feet in height
- Constructing a freestanding patio cover and/or porch cover that exceeds 200 square feet
- Constructing a porch or deck where the floor or deck is more than 30 inches above the adjacent grade
Examples of work needing a mechanical permit include:
- Installing or changing any part of a heating or cooling system that must be vented into any kind of chimney, including unvented decorative appliances
- Installing a woodstove, fireplace insert, pellet stove, or related venting
- Installing, altering, or repairing gas piping between the meter and an appliance (indoors or outdoors)
- Installing bath fans, dryer exhausts, kitchen range exhausts, and appliances that are required to be vented
- Mechanical work on one – or – two family dwellings include work on heating, cooling, or ventilation systems including bath vents and woodstoves
- Installing, altering, or repairing gas piping between the meter and an appliance or other equipment, including all liquefied petroleum gas piping, is also considered mechanical work
These are not exhaustive lists of work needing permits.
Disclaimer: Conformance to the Woodburn Development Ordinance (WDO) regarding land use / planning / zoning regulations and conformance to Public Works Department standards are required for the Planning Division and Public Works Department to sign off on building permit issuance.