Annexation ANX 2020-02 Vassa Estates - 1251 Brown Street
Project ID:
ANX 2020-02, SUB 2020-03, VAR 21-04, & ZC 21-01
Project Type:
Land Use
Project Status:
Date Received:
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
1251 Brown Street
See map: Google Maps
Annexation, Subdivision at 1251 Brown Street; Taxlot 051W18C000900
5 lots including 3 flag lots accessed by shared access driveway with easement.
Variance application to allow for Lots 2 & 3 measurement of lot depth to be measured from shared access driveway (north-south) instead of relative to Brown Street (east-west).
Vassa Bodunov
Northwest Willamette Homes LLC
14768 Union School Rd NE
Woodburn, OR 97071-8626
(503) 951-1020
Gerald Horner, Engineer
Willamette Engineering
P.O. Box 9032
Salem, OR 97305-0032
City case planner / reviewing planner: Colin Cortes, AICP, CNU-A, Senior Planner.