Design Review DR 24-09: Les Schwab Tire Center Modernization (1140 N. Pacific Hwy)
The applicant seeks Design Review approval of their proposal to redevelop (renovate and make additions to) their facility at 1140 N Pacific Highway in Woodburn, OR. The proposed renovation will modernize customer showroom and lounge spaces and move the vehicle servicing operations indoors to a new “Service Center” addition. The proposed work involves demolition of the service bay canopy and slab, demolition of the RV/truck servicing breezeway (canopy and slab), removal of mansard roof fascia elements around the showroom building, and partial demolition of the warehouse building immediately east of the truck servicing breezeway. The poorly delineated paved “parking lot” will be reconfigured to incorporate landscaping, bicycle parking, pedestrian facilities, and additional vehicle parking spaces, including accessible stalls, carpool/vanpool stalls, and EV charging stations.
The facility is located at the NE corner of Pacific Highway (99E) and Hardcastle Avenue. The building area will increase by 492 SF, from 19,235 SF to 19,727 SF. The highest portion of the building is less than twenty-three feet tall (<23 feet) and is limited to the architectural element marking the principal pedestrian entrance. The building has a variety of exterior finishes composed to provide an attractive presence to the city of Woodburn. No entry/egress points on either roadway will be added or removed.
Vehicle movement is anticipated to be reduced at the western entry point on Hardcastle Avenue. The driveway will no longer provide through access for customers to a service canopy (primarily serving RVs and Farm Equipment) and will only be used to access the warehouse for deliveries.
Building construction includes:
1) interior renovation of the showroom,
2) development of a pedestrian entry vestibule identified with a visually strong “entry statement”
architectural element,
3) replacement of the “mansard” element with a vertical metal panel fascia, and
4) addition of a “Vehicle Service Center” to the existing showroom building (Building 1) extending to the
east into space formerly occupied by the truck servicing breezeway. A paved yard will be developed
within the footprint of the demolished portion of the warehouse building (Building 2).