Legislative Amendment (LA) 23-01: Transportation System Plan (TSP) subarea update
Project Type:
Project Status:
Purpose: Develop a Transportation System Plan update to account for recent and future development; specifically, system impacts from recent development around the Southwest Industrial Reserve (SWIR), as well as the City’s Urban Reserve Area (URA) lands and potential urban growth boundary (UGB) expansion.
General scope of work:
- Provides assessment (models) of future conditions under different scenarios and identified deficiencies
- Run alternatives (no-build, re-align Parr, complete south arterial, limited I-5 access)
- Identify deficiencies (safety, capacity issues) draft alternatives to address
- Planning level cost estimates for planned improvements
- Recommendations on funding strategies for new SWIR area
- ID specific system improvements (modified truck lane) to include in updated TSP and project list
- Update Transportation System Development Charge (TSDC) project list.
Primary Contact: Chris Kerr, Community Development Director (503-980-2445 or chris.kerr@ci.woodburn.or.us)