Water and Sewer Rates


Charges for water, as set by City Ordinance, are based on consumption amounts. Minimum charges are based on the size of the service line from main to meter, and entitle the user to a set quantity.

Residential sewer rates are a set fee per month, based on the winter average of water consumption. Commercial sewer rates entitle the user to a set quantity of water. Like the water charges, an additional fee is charged for sewer, based on water consumed above the minimum quantity allowed per month.

Current Water and Sewer Rates

City Council Approves Water Rate Increase

On June 11, 2018, the Woodburn City Council approved a plan to increase water rates annually over the next 10 years. The plan calls for 10% increases in years 1 and 2, followed by annual increases of 4% in years 3-10. The increases will be effective on July 1 of each year and are necessary to ensure that the water system has adequate resources to fund ongoing operational & maintenance activities and important system improvement projects.

Residential Sewer Averaging

Sewer charges are calculated based on the average water use during the winter months. The winter averaging period begins in January and ends in March.  The sewer charge for the next 12 months is based on the three-month winter water use average. Water used during the summer will not affect the sewer average.

New residential customers will have the sewer average set at 700 cubic feet until after three consecutive months of water usage are available to calculate an actual average. 

  • If the actual average is lower than 700 cubic feet, then the sewer average is dropped to the actual average and a billing adjustment is applied to the account.   
  • If the actual average is higher, then the sewer average is left at 700 until the next winter averaging period.  At that time, the actual winter average will be calculated and used for billing.