Mill Creek Greenway Trail

The City's vision for an interconnected trail system through the Mill Creek Greenway corridor dates back to the 1960's, as properties were acquired and set aside for future development. The City furthered its plans with the completion of the Mill Creek Greenway Master Plan in 2006.
The first phase of the system, completed in 2011, established an approximately one-mile multi-use trail running from Cleveland Street at the North to Deer Run Street at the south. The majority of the trail surface is asphalt, but it transitions to gravel in the natural area around Hermanson Pond, south of Wilson Street.
Additional phases have been completed as residential development activity has occurred, such as the recent completion of the trail system through the Smith Creek housing developments to the west of Settlemier Park.
In 2023, the City was awarded $1.7 million in funding from the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Oregon Community Paths Program. The ODOT funding is intended to complete five trail segments and an additional 1.3 miles of Mill Creek Greenway Trails on city-owned property. The priority of this project is to fill in missing links/segments of the existing trail system to existing trails and parks.