Woodburn City Council Meeting
The December 9, 2024, meeting of the Woodburn City Council at 7:00 p.m. will be held in person in the Woodburn Council Chambers, 270 Montgomery Street.
Anyone wishing to participate online through the web conferencing platform should contact Heather Pierson at heather.pierson@ci.woodburn.or.us or by phone at (503) 980-6318 to register by 5:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting.
The Agenda for this meeting can be found on the City’s Website: https://www.woodburn-or.gov/meetings
Watch City Council meeting LIVE on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@cityofwoodburn/streams
This facility is ADA accessible. If you need special accommodation, please contact the City Recorder at 503-980-6318, recorder@ci.woodburn.or.us, or Statewide Toll Free Relay (800) 735-1232, at least 48 hours prior to this meeting.
Si usted necesita asistencia especial, comuníquese al 503-981-5386, recorder@ci.woodburn.or.us, o a la línea telefónica gratuita, (800) 735-1232, con un mínimo de 48 horas, antes de la reunión.
**Habrá intérpretes disponibles para aquéllas personas que no hablan Inglés, previo acuerdo. Comuníquese al 503-981-5386.**