Food & Clothing

Resource | Address | Phone | Hours | Service |
AWARE Food Bank |
152 Arthur St. Woodburn, OR |
503-981-5828 | Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays 9am to 12pm Also open 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month 3:30pm to 6pm | Food assistance for all ages |
St. Vincent De Paul Food Bank |
St. Lukes Church 417 Harrison St Woodburn, OR |
(503)981-5011 |
2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. 5-7pm |
Food assistance for all ages |
Department of Human Services | 120 Lincoln St #120 (inside of Woodburn Chemeketa Community College) | (503) 980-6677 | 8am - 5pm Mon. - Fri. | SNAP, TANF, Child Care Benefits, etc |
Love Inc | 970 N Cascade Dr. #100, Woodburn, OR 97071 |
503-983-5683 | Tues. - Wed. 11am - 3pm, Thurs. 2pm - 6pm | Utility assistance (Water in Woodburn, Hubbard, Gervais), personal care products, home and clothing closet, vouchers (for laundry, oil change, fuel cards) family support, suicide prevention training, dental van, resource referrals |
Weekly Community Dinner |
Immanuel Lutheran Church 1036 E. Lincoln St Woodburn, OR |
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5:30 - 7:00 pm Drive around to the back of the building. Someone will take your order and bring your dinner to you. |
All community members welcome. |
Ray of Hope Thrift Store |
335 N. Pacific Hwy Woodburn, OR |
503-773-5250 |
Monday-Saturday: 10am-7pm Closed: Sundays |
St. Mary & Elizabeth's Closet | 503-982-6262 | Call for appointment | Serving families in need with clothing residing in the Woodburn & Gervais School Districts. |