Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


If the measure passes, would it increase property taxes?

Yes. If passed, Measure 24-504 would cost $0.99 per $1,000 of assessed property value equivalent to $15 per month, or $180 per year, for the average homeowner in Woodburn. If passed, the tax would continue for 21 years.


When will the proposed measure be on the ballot?

November 2024. Ballots must be postmarked or placed in a dropbox by 8pm, November 5.


If passed, what would the overall project cost be?

The total estimated cost of the project would be $60 million. The City has the opportunity to secure $15 million in matching funds from the state, and has secured $5 million in dedicated City funds. If passed, Measure 24-504 would authorize the City to issue up to $40 million in bonds over a 21-year term. 


Why has this proposed measure been referred to the voters?

The City has undergone a multi-year process to assess the viability and interest in a new community center. The City has proposed November 2024 because the community continues to grow, and the City has the opportunity to secure $15 million in matching funds from the state that would be available if the measure passes and the project is fully funded by Spring 2025.


When would the community be able to use the proposed new amenities?

If passed in November 2024, construction would begin in fall 2025 with a goal of opening to the community in the fall of 2027. 


If the measure passes, what services would the additional tax revenue provide the community?

If passed, Measure 24-504 would transform the current Aquatic Center into a full-service community center to create a safe and secure place for people of all ages and abilities to access recreation, wellness, and gathering opportunities. Upgrades would include:


  • A new indoor walking and jogging track that could be used year-round for youth and adult fitness programs and exercise
  • Weights, cardio and exercise facilities that would provide expanded health and wellness opportunities including fitness cardio and weight equipment, increased fitness class space and classes
  • The addition of a warm-water pool that would be more accessible for seniors and people with disabilities and would be used for family recreation, swim lessons, therapy and exercise classes
  • Repairs and upgrades to the existing pool, including a new water slide, new pool surfacing, tiles, grating, paint, and additional natural lighting
  • An event space and a community multi-purpose room with a commercial kitchen for groups and families to host large events
  • A drop-in childcare center for people using the facility
  • A two-court gymnasium for youth and adult sports leagues including basketball, pickleball, volleyball and other court sports
  • Settlemier Park upgrades including a new universally inclusive playground, tennis courts, outdoor sports courts, a picnic shelter, and added pathways
  • Completing ADA accessibility projects for the Center and Settlemier Park


What would happen if Measure 24-504 does not pass?

If the measure does not pass, the community center would not be upgraded and taxes would not increase.


If passed, would residents of Woodburn receive discounted access to the facility?

Yes, City of Woodburn residents would pay lower rates than people who live outside the City. The City would also look to continue the use of Medicare Advantage plans, such as Silver and Fit to reduce cost to Seniors. 


This information was reviewed by the Oregon Elections Division for compliance with ORS 260.432.