Housing & Utility Assistance

Resource | Address | Phone | Hours | Service |
Mid-Willamette Valley Community Action |
970 N Cascade Dr. Suite 200 | Woodburn, OR www.mwvcaa.org |
503.508.1926 (Rental) 503.588.9016 (Energy) | Tues. & Wed. 11am - 3pm, Thurs. 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Mon. & Fri. by appointment only | Support services, case management, housing and rental assistance, tenant education for homeless individuals and families (R.E.N.T.), Financial assistance for rent, deposit, and utility, Hygiene products, legal docs. |
Love Inc |
970 n Cascade Dr. #100, Woodburn, OR |
503-983-5683 info@loveincnmc.org | Tues. - Wed. 11am - 3pm, Thurs. 2pm - 6pm | Utility assistance (Water in Woodburn, Hubbard, Gervais), personal care products, home and clothing closet, vouchers (for laundry, oil change, fuel cards), family support, suicide prevention training, dental van (extractions, fillings, whitening), resource referrals |
Marion County Housing Authority | 2645 Portland Rd NE, Suite 200 www.housing.co.marion.or.us |
503-798-4170 | Housing programs for low-income individuals and families in Marion County | |
Oregon Human Development Corporation |
1585 N Pacific Hwy, Suite S Woodburn, OR |
503-982-5100 | Mon. - Fri. 8am -12pm and 1pm - 5pm | Housing assistance (dependent on program) including rental & utility, emergency shelter, homelessness, eviction prevention, assistance to agricultural workers and families |
Farmworker Housing Development Corporation |
1274 Fifth St, Suite 1-A Woodburn, OR |
503-981-1618 | FHDC encourages tenants to thrive and prosper in their housing. As such, FHDC’s Resident Services Coordinators work closely with Evolve Workforce Development & Property Management to help residents access rent and utility assistance to prevent evictions and to assist tenants with complying with property management notices. |