Social Service Organizations

Resource | Address | Phone | Services |
Love, Inc |
970 N Cascade Dr #100 Woodburn, OR |
971-983-5683 |
Open Tuesday, Wednesday 11am-3pm Thursday 2-6pm Family support, utility assistance, clothing, hygiene, and home supplies. |
Boys & Girls Club - Woodburn Teen Center |
400 S. Settlemier Ave Woodburn, OR 9 |
503-980-2428 | Afterschool teen drop in center (6th -12th grade), Meal and snacks, homework assistance, case management, education and employment opportunities, financial assistance on a need basis |
Northwest Senior & Disability |
2100 Progress Way Woodburn, OR |
503-981-5138 | Various services for adults with disabilities |
North Marion Adult Center | 1036 East Lincoln Street Woodburn, OR |
971-208-5024 |
Activities for seniors, lunch/dinner on Wednesdays Open on Mondays & Wednesdays, 10:30a – 3:00p |
Safety Compass |
970 Cascade Dr. Woodburn OR |
(971) 235-0021 - 24/7 hotlineFree | Confidential advocacy to survivors of commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking. Provides emotional support, safety planning, explains and help survivors navigate systems, make referrals and resource connections, case manage, and court accompaniment |
Interface Network |
970 Cascade Dr. Woodburn OR |
(503) 365-0088 | Advocates for underrepresented groups, advances equitable practices, and champions systemic change across Oregon's institutions by providing strategic planning and innovative solutions to individuals, businesses and government organizations |
Centro de Servicios - PCUN |
300 Young St Woodburn, OR |
Worker outreach, Radio Poder, advocacy, voter engagement |
Liberty House | Woodburn, OR | Resource for assessment, healing, and prevention of child abuse, neglect, trauma, and grief. |