Museum Mission and Policies
Mission Statement
The mission of Woodburn Museum is to form connections with our community through sharing its diverse and evolving histories. We aim to spark curiosity, learning, and inspiration by collecting, preserving, displaying, and exploring artifacts of local origin and importance. We seek to be a space of historical understanding, equality, and empathy where everyone in our community feels welcome and seen.

Collections Policy
The Museum collects, preserves, exhibits and interprets materials that pertain to the historical, cultural, and natural histories of the Woodburn Area. The Museum reserves the right to determine when or how such materials will be used.
Gifts to the Woodburn Museum are considered outright and unrestricted donations to be used in the best interest of the Museum. No individual or institution can predict nor govern the changing attitudes of future generations, nor guarantee permanency beyond the best available preservation procedures.
Loans to the Woodburn Museum are of a temporary nature and are not to exceed a three-year period. If after 30 days of following the conclusion of a loan agreement said item is not claimed, the museum becomes sole owner of said item. After conclusion of said three-year period a new agreement may be negotiated at the lenders request.
Over the course of time, certain material in the collection may become expendable. Expendable materials included items considered surplus, duplicate, non-relevant, in a deteriorated condition, or of limited use. Such material will be used in the best interest of the Museum, including but not limited to sale and exchange, loans to other institution, and disposal if the condition or value so warrants. The Woodburn Museum must review any article considered for deaccessioning.
Unless otherwise restricted by copyright or by the donor and agree to by the Museum at the time of acquisition, all literary rights are conveyed to the Woodburn Museum. The Museum can assume no responsibility for the misuse of literary or copyright restrictions by users of the Museum material. Material placed in the Museum Archives is primarily for research, exhibit, and educational purposed.