Transit Development Plan

Project Overview
In June 2022, the Woodburn City Council authorized staff to undertake an update to the Transit Development Plan (TDP) to help the City adequately sustain transit services and support planned growth over the next 10+ years. Transportation planning firm Nelson\Nygaard was hired to lead the 12-month project. A current TDP is essential for ensuring that local transit service meets the need of Woodburn residents, while also placing the City in a competitive position for receiving future grants to fund vehicle replacements and system operations.
The updated TDP provides a snapshot of community transit use and incorporated public input to better understand service gaps and challenges. The TDP also evaluated the transit connections between Woodburn and other regional providers such as Cherriots (Salem), SMART (Wilsonville) and CAT (Canby), provided guidance to improve service efficiencies, employed data to guide future expansions and modifications of transit service, and provided a strategy for the City to plan for capital in improvements and longer-term service sustainability.